The game starts with each of you captured by the Nazis, facing interrogation and death at their hands. Together as players you tell the lonely stories of these brave women through their deployment, missions, and eventual capture, and discover their lives through flashbacks.
Playing cards are used to determine whether the focus of each scene is love, misfortune, success, or death.
Each scene involves other characters from that individual’s life — friends, enemies, and bystanders — all of whom are played by other players around the table. Characters introduced in one scene may return in future scenes, for good or ill.
The game ends with a final session where the players discover who lives, who dies, who tells their stories.
▶Intense character drama driven by the WW2 espionage setting.
▶Playing cards are used to direct the emotional context of scenes.
▶GM-less; everybody plays, telling parallel stories.
▶Real-life examples are given for each card suit for each of the chapters.
▶Short biographies of eight of the women who did this for real.
▶Solo diary mode supported.
▶Variant rules for long running campaign mode.
▪2-5 players,
▪2-4 hours.
▪A deck of playing cards, pencil and index cards.
Released: 23 January 2025