Chaosium Inc
This is the list of products published by Chaosium Inc.
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Chaosium Inc
viewing 1
19 out of a
total of 61-items.
Challenge your foes. Fulfill your fate.
Cults of RuneQuest: The Lightbringers is the player’s guide to the Gods of the Storm!
This book covers the mythology of the Lightbringer pantheon of gods, and provides mechanics for each of their cults to create your RuneQuest adventurer.
The Gods of ......
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07 November 2023 |
Within the earth is life. Within the earth is death.
Cults of RuneQuest: The Earth Goddesses is the player’s guide to the earth pantheon of Glorantha!
This book covers the mythology of the Earth pantheon of gods, and provides mechanics for each of their cults to create your RuneQuest adventure......
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07 November 2023 |
7th Sea: Khitai is a standalone tabletop roleplaying game of action, drama, danger, suspense, and heroism in a world inspired by mythic, fantastical Asia.
What's Inside?
A Stand-Alone 7th Sea Experience
Bring the unique mechanics of epic adventure and heroism to a whole new setting with the Cor......
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04 February 2025 |
Basic Roleplaying (BRP) is a system of core rules for tabletop roleplaying. Whether you’re a seasoned roleplaying veteran or new to the hobby, Basic Roleplaying has everything you need for years of entertainment.
What's Inside
Basic Roleplaying: Universal Game Engine is the complete guide to BRP—t......
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10 October 2023 |
The Basic Roleplaying Gamemaster Screen Pack is the essential expansion for any BRP creator, gamemaster, or player. Take your tabletop experience to the next level with this collection of components designed to streamline play.......
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04 February 2025 |
Horror, Mystery and Investigation In A Box!
The Call of Cthulhu Starter Set contains everything you need to play the world’s best roleplaying game of horror, mystery and investigation!
Updated for the 40th Anniversary of Call of Cthulhu.
What is Roleplaying?
In a roleplaying game, everyo......
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18 October 2022 |
Cthulhu Dark Ages is a world lit only by fire. The ancient empires collapsed centuries ago, taking their culture and learning with them. It’s a dark world and people are right to be afraid of the dark. Apart from the Viking raiders, witches, and outlaws, there are the unquiet dead, ancient horrors, ......
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25 August 2020 |
Solitaire Adventure in Canada’s Wilds
Alone Against the Frost is a solo horror adventure for one player, set during a research expedition to Canada’s Northwest Territories during the 1920s. Here, you choose your own path as you navigate through the story—your choices will determine whether you fi......
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16 March 2020 |
Four decks of cards for use with the Call of Cthulhu tabletop roleplaying game. Each deck provides the Keeper and players with handy references, information and notes.
Contained within are:
The Phobia Deck – 46 cards, each detailing the effects and consequences of a phobia, mania, or episode of ma......
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14 March 2017 |
The world needs heroes, now more than ever.
The Two-Headed Serpent is an action-packed, globe-spanning, and high-octane campaign set in the 1930s for Pulp Cthulhu. The heroes face the sinister conspiracies of an ancient race of monsters hell-bent on taking back a world that was once theirs.
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04 July 2017 |
The Classic Call of Cthulhu campaign spans the European continent in luxury!
Horror on the Orient Express is back in print with a reformatted two-volume set, making it more digestible than ever! This is a Black and white reprint of the 2014 boxed set, reformatted into two hardcover books.
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30 November 2021 |
A Core Game Book for Players
“We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.” —H.P. Lovecraft
Will you stand against the horrors of the night?
Whether learned professor, nosy journalist, or hard-hitting detecti......
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20 September 2016 |
All the Important Rules, Charts, and Maps at a Glance!
The Call of Cthulhu Keeper Screen Pack is an essential play aid for those running games of Call of Cthulhu 7th edition. The Keeper Screen is mounted on thick hardcover stock, folding out to 34 inches wide. One side, intended to face the playe......
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20 September 2016 |
Investigate the Cthulhu Mythos during the Harlem Renaissance!
Chris Spivey's ENnie-winning breakthrough book is back and better than ever!
New York City.
Prohibition is in full swing and bootleggers are living high. African-Americans flee the oppressive South for greener pastures, creating a new ......
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25 August 2020 |
What's Inside?
This pocket-sized guide to running games of Call of Cthulhu has an old-school black & white interior in a premium leatherette hardcover.
Advice from the Veterans
Tips, essays, and contributions from experienced and diverse Call of Cthulhu Keepers including Jason Durall (RuneQ......
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05 July 2022 |
Horror Roleplaying in the Worlds of H.P. Lovecraft
The Old Ones ruled the earth aeons before the rise of man. Traces of their cyclopean cities can still be found on remote islands, buried amid the shifting desert sands, and in the frozen wastes of the polar extremes. Originally they came to this ......
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05 July 2016 |
Here are gathered spells drawn from over thirty years of Call of Cthulhu supplements and scenarios. Each spell has been revised for the Call of Cthulhu 7th edition game, including optional Deeper Magic for the most powerful of Mythos sorcerers and monsters, with which to beguile and confound investi......
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01 August 2017 |
An Introductory Solitaire Adventure for Call of Cthulhu
This is a solo adventure for the Call of Cthulhu game. It is a horror story set in the 1920s where you are the main character, and your choices determine the outcome. It is also designed to lead you through the basic rules of the game in a gra......
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28 September 2016 |
Cthulhu by Gaslight takes the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game to the fog-shrouded streets of Great Britain and beyond.
The 1880s—Victorian England. Mystery and adventure in fog-shrouded streets and alleyways. Secret cabals commit grisly murder, wicked crimes, and pledge to bring about the ruin o......
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20 December 2024 |
A mysterious telegram plunges the investigators into an epic journey of intrigue and horror.
A mysterious telegram plunges the investigators into an epic journey of intrigue and horror.....
The Children of Fear is an epic, multi-part campaign for Call of Cthulhu. The scenarios within explore m......
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17 August 2021 |