Catalyst Game Labs
This is the list of products published by Catalyst Game Labs.
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Catalyst Game Labs
viewing 20
38 out of a
total of 74-items.
As you delve into BattleTech lore, additional weapons, units and rules become available to you and your forces as you fight in the Dark Age, Jihad, or even the depths of the Star League Eras, and all the way back into the Age of War before the birth of the BattleMech.
Alternate Eras introduces a......
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29 March 2022 |
Take your warfare to a whole new level of excitement! Deploy under cover of exotic weather and severe planetary conditions. Surprise your enemy with your mastery of new battlefield tactics—from artillery to command-level comms to minefields! A daring commander can take advantage of any or all of the......
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11 August 2020 |
It is the 31st century, a time of endless wars that rage across human-occupied space. As star empires clash, these epic wars are won and lost by BattleMechs, 30-foot-tall humanoid metal titans bristling with lasers, autocannons and dozens of other lethal weapons; enough firepower to level entire cit......
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22 March 2022 |
A BattleTech sourcebook providing full details of the events around the Wolf Empire and Free Worlds League from 3151 to mid-3152.
Included are a full historical summary of events in those regions of space, personality and unit profiles of key players—many appearing here for the first time, and gam......
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26 July 2022 |
Includes: 3 heavy-stock reference cards of the most commonly used game tables.6 punchboards, including additional movement markers and trees from the Alpha Strike box, as well as all-new terrain such as rivers and roads, large game templates, and more.
A second complete set of the fifteen fold-u......
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11 July 2023 |
Never before has the Inner Sphere balanced on the knife's edge between darkness and light. The Clans seek to usurp Jerome Blake's will as protectors and guiding light of the Inner Sphere.
This shall not stand! Includes one Level II unit of six high-quality and fully assembled BattleMechs, six Alph......
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13 September 2022 |
Using the most up-to-date rules text, the BattleMech Manual has been designed from the ground up to cater to the BattleTech player wanting to engage in an all-'Mech battle. Includes a variety of optional rules, terrain and more. Welcome to the most table-usage-friendly BattleTech rulebook ever publi......
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22 March 2022 |
The year is 3025. War rages across the vast interstellar empires of the Inner Sphere as the militaries of the Successor States vie for dominance across more than a thousand light years of inhabited worlds. And the king among these battlefields: towering BattleMechs and the MechWarriors who pilot the......
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11 August 2020 |
Enhance your battlefield tactics by substituting the Initiative Deck for the standard Initiative roll. Poor initiative position awards stronger strategic and tactical opportunities which can make up for "bad luck."......
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12 October 2021 |
November 3067 saw the culmination of work two centuries in the making, work begun by Primus Conrad Toyama of ComStar, successor to Jerome Blake and the man responsible for single-handedly turning ComStar into a pseudo-religious organization with a vision: to lead mankind to the light.
But then the ......
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11 August 2020 |
Republic in Flames!
In 3146, the Republic of the Sphere hangs by a tenuous thread. The last fragments of Devlin Stone’s dream to shepherd humankind toward a more prosperous future hide behind the impenetrable defenses of Fortress Republic. As the interstellar communications blackout rages, the am......
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29 January 2019 |
The Clan Ad Hoc Star is a collection of five plastic miniatures for use in the classic BattleTech tabletop and Alpha Strike games. The box also provides five dry-erase cards, which are intended to directly support Alpha Strike gameplay, and five new Clan Pilot Cards. The five 'Mechs available in the......
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13 September 2021 |
Fortune Favors the Bold…
In 2825, ilKhan Nicholas Kerensky, the founder of the Clans, gave his exiled, warrior-led people a dream: the first Clan to return to the Inner Sphere and claim Terra, the cradle of humanity, in honorable combat would claim the title of ilClan—ruler of all the Clans. The ......
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14 September 2021 |
The Republic Era—better known as the Dark Age—was a time of upheaval and opportunity. Fortunes rose and fell, nations crumbled and others reconstituted. And at the center of the whirlwind lay Terra, the crown jewel of the Republic, a prize waiting for the warrior strong enough to seize it.
This vo......
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15 November 2022 |
Forge your forces and prepare to fight any battle across the Inner Sphere! Campaign Operations completes the core rulebook series begun in Total Warfare. While previous rulebooks detailed game play at various levels--from a single MechWarrior, to a BattleMech company, to entire armies--this final vo......
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06 July 2021 |
5 punchboards representing two armies of nearly eighty Unit and Command counters each.
A single large Strategic BattleForce map; lamented, the backside can be used to create your own worlds......
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23 August 2022 |
The Clan Heavy Star is a collection of five plastic miniatures for use in the classic BattleTech tabletop and Alpha Strike games.
The box also provides five dry-erase cards, which are intended to directly support Alpha Strike gameplay, and five new Clan Pilot Cards.
The five BattleMechs availabl......
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23 November 2021 |
The Inner Sphere Urban Lance is a collection of four plastic miniatures for use in the classic BattleTech tabletop and Alpha Strike games.
The box also provides four dry-erase cards, which are intended to directly support Alpha Strike gameplay, and four new Clan Pilot Cards.
The four 'Mechs avai......
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23 November 2021 |
In the year 3050, the true heirs of the lost Star League thunder forth from the depths of the far Periphery and carve deep into the quarreling Successor States. As the Clan juggernaut rolls across the core ward realms of the Inner Sphere, the House Lords scramble ......
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19 January 2021 |
A BattleTech sourcebook providing full details of the events within the Federated Suns, Draconis Combine, and Rasalhague Dominion from 3151 to mid-3152.
Included are a full historical summary of events in those regions of space, personality and unit profiles of key players, many appearing here for......
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04 April 2023 |