Gale Force 9
This is the list of products published by Gale Force 9.
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Gale Force 9
Currently viewing 1 to 6 out of a total of 6-items.

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Dune: A Game of Conquest and Diplomacy (T.O.S.)
Form Alliances, collect Spice, avoid Worms, enter treacherous battles, control Dune.
Take part in one of the most famous science-fiction stories of all time. Dune: A Game of Conquest and Diplomacy builds on 40 years of development, refinement, and evolution from the original classic game. It has the same beloved DNA, flavor, tension, and themes, but with new game-board design, more ...... More
Released 30 November 2021
Dune: Board Game
Boardgame of Diplomacy Betrayal and Conquest. Who will control DUNE?
Imagine you can control the forces of a noble family, guild, or religious order on a barren planet which is the only source for the most valuable substance in the known universe. Imagine you can rewrite the script for one of the most famous science fiction books of all time. Welcome to the acc...... More
Released 27 November 2019
Ixians and Tleilaxu House Expansion: DUNE (T.O.S.)
Dune: Board Game Expansion
This expansion adds two new houses, the Ixians and the Tleilaxu, to the Dune boardgame. Theilaxu: Led by a small council of Tleilaxu Masters - the fanatic, xenophobic Tleilaxu were tolerated because of their useful genetic engineering superiority. Although underestimated and loathed by others, th...... More
Released 22 June 2020
Choam and Richese House Expansion: Dune Board Game (T.O.S.)
Dune: Board Game Expansion
This expansion adds both CHOAM (Combine Honnete Ober Advancer Mercantiles) and House Richese. These are two NEW factions, who have their own special rules and abilities that you can use as two of the six player factions in a game!...... More
Released 15 March 2022
Dune: Board Game Special Edition (T.O.S.)
Special Edition with Exclusive Models Boardgame of Diplomacy Betrayal and Conquest.
Let the spice flow! The beloved strategy game set in the incredible world of Frank Herbert's DUNE returns in an updated edition. Who will gain control of the planet that is home to the only source of the most valuable substance in the known universe? This special edition includes three exclusive...... More
Released 01 December 2020
Ecaz and Moritani House: Dune: Board Game
Dune: Board Game Expansion
Adds both House Ecaz and House Moritani to the classid Dune Board game. These are two NEW factions, who have their own special rules and abilities that you can use as two of the six player factions in a game!...... More
Released 17 October 2023

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