5 Minute Dungeon
This is the list of products for 5 Minute Dungeon.
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5 Minute Dungeon
Currently viewing 1 to 3 out of a total of 3-items.

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5 Minute Dungeon
RESTOCK: Explore a dungeon, kill monsters, and defeat a boss...all in 5 minutes!
You池e all in it together容ither your party defeats the dungeon and moves onto the next one, or you all perish! This makes 5-Minute Dungeon an easy game for new players to join, even if they are not hardcore gamers. There are no turns. Everybody races against the clock to slap down symbols that matc...... More
Released 19 November 2024
5 Minute Dungeon - Curses Foiled Again (T.O.S.)
5 Minute Dungeon Expansion
In Curses! Foiled Again! the Dungeon Master has unearthed a book of magical curses, and unleashed terrifying new threats to haunt the heroes. Curses! Foiled Again! is an expansion for 5-Minute Dungeon that brings new challenges and abilities to the party in their quest to defeat the Dungeon Mast...... More
Released 17 October 2023
5 Minute Mystery
A real-time, co-op, Mystery Game.
In this high-intensity, deductive game, you値l work together with your friends to find hidden symbols, piece together clues and arrest a culprit, all in just five minutes! You値l win together. You値l lose together. But every time, you値l have fun together. Easy to pick up and quick to play, 5 Minu...... More
Released 17 October 2023

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