Apothecaria RPG
This is the list of products for Apothecaria RPG.
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Apothecaria RPG
Currently viewing 1 to 8 out of a total of 8-items.

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Apawthecaria (T.O.S.)
RESTOCK: Solo Game about tiny animals going on massive adventures
Welcome back to the Bristley Woods! Humans are gone, lost to legend and remembered only by their ruins and the little creatures that survive them. In their place, animals have built towns, founded guilds, and created a civilisation of their own where beasts of all kinds can live in relative harmo...... More
Released 25 August 2023
Apothecaria (T.O.S.)
Solo Potion Making RPG
Welcome to High Rannoc! If you’re reading this, I’m probably missing...or dead. Let’s hope just missing. I wish I could be there to explain all this in person, but life takes unexpected paths. Hopefully this journal will be enough to guide you. Apothecaria is a solo journalling RPG in w...... More
Released 23 November 2021
Shimmer Snow Valley: Apothecaria (T.O.S.)
Apothecaria RPG Expansion
Nestled in the highlands to the North of High Rannoc is a valley that never thaws. In years gone by, visitors would trek up the mountains to ski on Shimmersnow’s famous slopes, to visit and trade with the yetis that call the valley home, or to call upon the help of the witch Isolda. But a couple ...... More
Released 19 July 2022
Wild Highlands: Apothecaria
Apothecaria RPG Expansion
Past the village of High Rannoc, up in the heather and scree covered hills of the highlands sits the castle town of Heatherholm. Once a bastion of power for questing knights and adventurers eager to set out across the bleak Rannoc Ranges, the town has taken on a more sedate role in recent years. Gon...... More
Released 19 July 2022
Nightfall: Apothecaria (T.O.S.)
Apothecaria RPG Expansion
“Under cover of night In the pale shadows of the moon The known becomes a stranger The familiar gone too soon” I’d hoped you’d have a bit more sense than to go wandering around at night but needs must, don’t they? There’re ailments that only really show themselves at night and reagents t...... More
Released 22 January 2024
Tinkers Troubles Apothecaria
Apothecaria RPG Expansion
The first expansion to Apothecaria, Tinker's Troubles introduces a new locale known as The Workshop, an ancient mechanical fortress inhabited by mysterious machines and hobbyist artisans. This Patreon funded expansion includes: 16 new Ailments 14 new Reagents A new Locale And the new Proj...... More
Released 22 January 2024
Makers Market Apothecaria (T.O.S.)
Apothecaria RPG Expansion
There comes a time in every witch’s life when they want to do something, anything other than make potions and while there’s plenty of exciting things to do around these parts, sometimes we just want to make something. Welcome to the Maker's Market expansion, a Downtime centric expansion for Apot...... More
Released 22 January 2024
The Cursed Coast: Apothecaria (T.O.S.)
Apothecaria RPG Expansion
Heed now the siren song of The Cursed Coast, dear witch for it is a place that is in dire need of your services. This once beautiful place has become a dark and quiet shadow of itself thanks to the Three Curses placed upon it. It is up to you to break these foul magicks and return the coast to i...... More
Released 15 May 2024

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