Big Potato Games
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Big Potato Games
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The Chameleon Travel (T.O.S.)
The Chameleon Travel pack All New Content
The Travel Version brings the award winning Deception Game to a portable format making it playable anywhere! ONE OF YOU IS THE CHAMELEON In this board game, your job is to blend in and not get caught. CATCH THAT CHAMELEON! Everyone else is trying to work out who the Chameleon is. Everyon...... More
Released 12 June 2024
Ghost Blitz
RESTOCK: Quickly identify and grab hold of the correct item in a cluttered, spooky basement.
Balduin, the house ghost, found an old camera in the castle cellar. Immediately he photographed everything that he loves to make disappear when he is haunting  – including himself, of course. Unfortunately, the enchanted camera takes many photos in the wrong colors. Sometimes the green bottle ...... More
Released 27 March 2023
Herd Mentality Mini (T.O.S.)
Whatever you do don't stand out!
Herd Mentality is the party game where it's best to be like everyone else! "Herd Mentality is guaranteed to have you in stitches... a fabulous game to play with families" - TechRadar 2022 The gameplay is simple: Read a question (like "name a fruit that would be hard to juggle") Write dow...... More
Released 10 November 2023
RESTOCK: Put down all your magnets in the circle, but that’s easier said than done
READY, SET, KLUSTER Kluster is the magnetic party game about all your magnets in the circle. FEELING POSITIVE? Sounds simple? Well it's much easier said than done. FIELD YOUR PIECES Kluster is incredibly simple and makes for a great travel game. What’s in the box? Magnetic Ring of rope...... More
Released 10 April 2024
Kluster DUO
Put down all your magnets in the play area before your opponent.
Kluster DUO is an incredibly fun family-friendly dexterity game! The large, unstable “spinner” magnets can be used alone or as an expansion for Kluster. Kluster's rules are extremely simple. However, they allow for many strategic possibilities! Take turns placing a magnet inside the string. But...... More
Released 12 June 2024
Sounds Fishy Travel Version (T.O.S.)
RESTOCK: One real answer. A sea of red herrings.
Sounds Fishy is a party game with some strange questions and some pretty fishy answers. Think you can guess which animal was elected mayor of Alaska? Well, in this game, you don't need to know the right answer. You just need to catch the fake answers invented by the other players - while trying ...... More
Released 21 April 2023
The Chameleon (T.O.S.)
Bluffing Deduction Card Game
A bluffing deduction game for everyone. Each round involves two missions, depending on whether you’re the Chameleon or not. Mission 1: You are the Chameleon. No one knows your identity except you. Your mission is the blend in, not get caught and to work out the Secret Word. Mission 2: You a...... More
Released 22 October 2021
The Chameleon Pictures (T.O.S.)
A spot-the-imposter game about blending in and not getting caught
QUICK TO LEARN EASY TO PLAY Look at the picture, use one word to describe it, then find the Chameleon. Board games for families should all be this easy and fun! KEEP IT SECRET! All the complicated code cards and dice from our original family game have been replaced with exciting secret reveal e...... More
Released 17 June 2023
Dont Get Got (T.O.S.)
A Secret Missions Party game
In this party game, each player gets six secret missions to pull off. First to three wins. This isn’t a sit-down-at-a-table sort of game – you play it alongside whatever else you’re doing. So whether you’re at home, on holiday or at a party, you’ll always be looking for sneaky ways to get them… b...... More
Released 21 July 2020
Snakesss (T.O.S.)
Spot The Imposter Party Game
Don't let them charm you into choosing the wrong answer. TRUST NO ONE In Snakesss you have 2 minutes to discuss a slippery multiple choice question. You need to vote for the right answer, but there are hidden snakes at the table... SO MANY SNAKESSS Never trust a player with all of the answer...... More
Released 22 October 2021

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