COIN Series
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COIN Series
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Cuba Libre |
Cuban Revolution Board Wargame: COunterINsurgency series |
In December 1956, paroled rebel Fidel Castro returned to Cuba to launch his revolution with virtually no political base and—after a disastrous initial encounter with government forces—a total of just 12 men. Two years later, through masterful propaganda and factional maneuver, Castro, his brother R......
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15 October 2013 |
Never Get Out of the Boat
Vietnam, 1964. The most wrenching US engagement of the Cold War would be far more than GI versus Charlie. The conflict had set tribesman against nationalist, Buddhist against Catholic, mandarin against villager, and of course Northerner against Southerner—even among th......
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08 November 2022 |
Note on 3rd Printing: This will be identical to the 2nd Printing, except that any known errata will be corrected.
It will be necessary “…to gain the hearts and subdue the minds of America.” - British General Henry Clinton, In his Campaign Narrative of 1776.
“It’s easier to crush evils in their in......
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21 November 2023 |
All Gaul …
Late Summer, 54 BC: In a series of brilliant and brutal campaigns, Caesar has seized Gaul for Rome. But not all tribes rest subdued. In the north, the Belgic leader Ambiorix springs a trap on unwary legions while Caesar is away. In the south, an ambitious son of the Arverni seeks t......
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28 June 2016 |
November 1st, 1954: On the eve of All Saint’s Day, armed members of the Front de Liberation Nationale (FLN) arose in revolt across Algeria against the French colonial government. The authorities suppressed these first incidents quickly, but this date marked the beginning of an eight-year war that sa......
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23 August 2022 |
"At that time all members of the assembly, along with the proud tyrant, are blinded; such is the protection they find for their country (it was, in fact, its destruction) that those wild Saxons, of accursed name, hated by God and men, should be admitted into the island, like wolves into the folds, i......
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06 February 2018 |
The Great Spring Offensive
Vietnam, 1975. The Provisional Revolutionary Government was ready. After internal debate, the Communists had issued Resolution 21—the war to unify the country would continue. The Paris Peace would serve as merely one more tool in the armed struggle. In Saigon, President T......
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31 August 2022 |
The British Way: Counterinsurgency at the End of Empire is the first of several COIN multipacks, containing four separate games exploring a series of thematically related insurgencies. Between 1945 and 1960, the British fought four major “emergencies,” as they referred to their counterinsurgency cam......
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01 August 2023 |
January 1961, South Vietnam: A month earlier, in Tay Ninh Province, bands of communist cadres, uprising peasants, and other armed groups formed the unified “National Liberation Front” insurgency against the Saigon Regime, an insurgency now more commonly known as the Viet Cong. After the passing of R......
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30 January 2024 |
200 years of Earth rule. 200 years of being told what to do by people on some distant blue orb in the sky. A pampered planet populated by soft people. Earth politicians playing golf on a sunny day while sipping French champagne and eating grapes dare to tell us how to live? They don’t know us becau......
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03 December 2024 |