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Geishas Road (T.O.S.)
Support apprentices along the road to become Geishas. 
Yoko… What lies ahead for us? asked her friend Tomoyo. Yoko stared out into the sea, calm and serene. Today we are just maiko. But one day, we will complete our training and become known as geisha. Yes, artists of the highest order. But then what? Okaasan said that one day, perhaps some of us may be...... More
Released 12 December 2023
Hanamikoji (T.O.S.)
Two Player Japanese Artistic Themed Card Game
Welcome to the most well-known geisha street in the old capital, Hanamikoji. Geisha — the graceful women elegantly mastering in art, music, dance, and a variety of artistic performances after years of training — are greatly respected and adored. Geisha may be translated to "artist" and they dance, s...... More
Released 19 September 2017

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