Oathmark: Battles of the Lost Age
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Oathmark: Battles of the Lost Age
Currently viewing 1 to 4 out of a total of 4-items.

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Oathmark: Battlesworn
Oathmark Supplement
A supplement for Oathmark: Battles of the Lost Age, giving players rules for creating elite units of warriors known as battlesworn and charting their progress from battle-to-battle. In the horror and chaos of battle, the outcome can often hang on the briefest of moments. It is at these times that...... More
Released 06 October 2020
Oathmark: Oathbreakers
Oathmark Supplement
Dark necromancers have laid claim to forsaken kingdoms and summoned forth the souls of those who defiled their oathmarks. The dead, once again, march to war. As armies of wraiths and skeletal warriors bring destruction to their lands, the small kingdoms of the Marches also turn to the spirits of the...... More
Released 22 December 2020
Orc Heavy Infantry
Plastic 28mm sized Orcs, designed to be used in the tabletop wargame from Osprey Games
Oathmark: Battles of a Lost Age. This box set contains enough parts for you to build 30 Orc Heavy Infantry. We provide you with enough weapon options to make them all 2 handed Weapons or all hand weapon and shield.. Each frame also contains a standard bearer and officer option. So you could h...... More
Released 04 September 2024
Oathmark: Battles of the Lost Age
Fantasy Mass Battle Wargame Rulebook
Empires have fallen, and the land is broken. The great oathmarks that once stood as testaments to the allegiances and might of nations have crumbled into ruin. In this lost age, fealty and loyalty are as valuable as gold and as deadly as cold iron, and war is ever-present. Created by Joseph A. Mc...... More
Released 08 June 2020

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