This is the list of products for RISK.
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Currently viewing 1 to 2 out of a total of 2-items.

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RISK Refresh (T.O.S.)
New Edition of The Classic Boardgame of Strategic Conquest
The game’s troops, cavalry, and artillery figures have all been re-sculpted with added detail, and the map on the Risk board has lavish new illustrations with additional topographical features and some lovely faux antiquing and new boxart, The reintroduction of Mission Cards that can speed up the...... More
Released 28 June 2016
Risk Strike (T.O.S.)
Fast and Fierce World Domination
Bring Risk Strike Cards and Dice Game to the game table. Fast and fierce world domination! Get off the board and right into the action with this Risk Strike cards and dice game, a fresh twist on the Risk board game! Gameplay is simple, but highly strategic. Declare which continent you want t...... More
Released 04 July 2023

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