Twilight: 2000 RPG
This is the list of products for Twilight: 2000 RPG.
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Twilight: 2000 RPG
Currently viewing 1 to 7 out of a total of 7-items.

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Twilight: 2000 RPG Core Box Set
Roleplaying in The World War III That Never Was
The new retro-apocalypotic edition of Twilight: 2000, published in partnership with Game Designers' Workshop, goes back to the roots of the franchise with a boxed set for sandbox roleplaying in the devastation of World War III. The new edition will be the fourth in the series, the first being releas...... More
Released 16 November 2021
Twilight: 2000 Referees Screen
Twilight: 2000 RPG Accessory
A deluxe Referee’s screen in landscape format for the 4th edition of the Twilight: 2000 roleplaying game....... More
Released 16 November 2021
Twilight: 2000 Weapon Cards
Twilight: 2000 RPG Accessory
This box contains 64 high quality illustrated custom cards designed for the fourth edition of the Twilight: 2000 roleplaying game, each one depicting a weapon that can be found in the game. ...... More
Released 16 November 2021
Twilight: 2000 Dice Set
Twilight: 2000 RPG Accessory
These engraved custom dice are designed specifically for the fourth edition of the Twilight: 2000 roleplaying game....... More
Released 16 November 2021
Twilight 2000 - Urban Operations
Twilight: 2000 RPG Expansion
Urban Operations, the first expansion to the new edition of RPG classic Twilight: 2000, is a massive modular expansion that includes everything you need to play in urban environments. The expansion is loosely based on the classic module Free City of Krakow from the first edition of Twilight: 2000 RP...... More
Released 11 July 2023
Twilight 2000 - Hostile Waters
Twilight: 2000 RPG Modular Expansion
I always wanted to go on a boat, you know, before the war. When we reached the Vistula, Top said, “Now’s your chance, kid.” Two-Fer said he did some boating with his brother out on the Gulf, and I guess he meant Mexico because I don’t think he ever served in the desert. I kid you not, an hour later...... More
Released 24 September 2024
Twilight 2000 - The Black Madonna
Twilight: 2000 RPG Campaign Expansion
When I was a kid, my best friend was named Donald Kaminski. I was over at his house for dinner once when his Great Aunt Lucja was visiting. She was this crazy lady from the old country who spoke hardly any English. After dinner, she gave me a little card with a picture on one side and printing on ...... More
Released 24 September 2024

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