Wargames Illustrated
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Wargames Illustrated
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Wargames Illustrated 442
The World's Premier Tabletop Gaming Magazine
This issue comes with a free official Valour & Fortitude Army Sheets booklet. OBSERVATION POST We review multi-period wargaming rules from BelloLudi, Sengoku battles from Caliver, Wars of the Roses metals from Athena Miniatures, and an apocalyptic Starter Set from Modiphius. RELEASE RADAR Do...... More
Released 26 September 2024
Wargames Illustrated 445 January
The World's Premier Tabletop Gaming Magazine
In This Issue........ OBSERVATION POST This month’s OP looks at the latest SAGA book and a selection of Wargames Atlantic plastics. RELEASE RADAR Dom Sore’s monthly column highlights a wide range of new and upcoming wargaming ephemera. QUICK FIRE Short, quick-read posts from Wi read...... More
Released 27 December 2024
Wargames Illustrated 446 February
The World's Premier Tabletop Gaming Magazine
A couple of times a year they ditch the idea of a theme for the magazine and go with a smorgasbord of content. This is one of those occasions. Wi446 is an unashamed mix of very different wargaming and hobby content, taking you from battlemats to Bosworth, via Middle-earth, 16th Century Italy, Engl...... More
Released 23 January 2025

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