To start playing DaDaDa, turn over a sound card, e.g. "PU", then an image card, then assign this image to the sound and say its name: "PU!" The next player then reveals an image, and if they agree that "PU" is a suitable name for the depicted object, they slide it next to "PU" and say "PU!"; otherw......
Have yourself a time combining the fun of monster slaying and treasure hunting with the random antics of South Park in this Munchkin game! Take on the role of a new kid at South Park Elementary and equip yourself with Items such as Kenny's Throwing Star or Towelie, and acquire Allies like Butters St......
You've got some work to do now, with a mix of unmasking monsters and treasure hunting in Munchkin Scooby-Doo!
Take on the role of these teenage detectives or their best canine friend as you equip yourself with items such as a Chef's Apron or Treasure Map. Acquire vehicles like the Mystery Machine......